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Celebrating health and Spirituality day : Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar

<p>On the occasion of ‘Health &#038; Spirituality Day: Celebrating Inner Well-Being’, illustrious dignitaries from the medical and spiritual fields joined His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj at Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar. Tens of thousands of devotees participated in the evening programme, which featured speeches and presentations from senior swamis and dignitaries who paid tribute to Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s tireless efforts to provide adequate health services to all in need. The programme began at its usual time of 5.15 pm with prayers and devotional hymns. Adarshjivan Swami, the biographer of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, described Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s unique work of combining physical health with inner spiritual wellness. He said, “The bamboo sculpture of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s hands joined in prayer at the festival ground reminds us that prayer was his bedrock in all situations in life. Waking up at 3am in London to pray for rains in India or hour-long prayers for the betterment o</p>
03:27 PM Dec 24, 2022 IST | mediology
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On the occasion of ‘Health & Spirituality Day: Celebrating Inner Well-Being’, illustrious dignitaries from the medical and spiritual fields joined His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj at Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar. Tens of thousands of devotees participated in the evening programme, which featured speeches and presentations from senior swamis and dignitaries who paid tribute to Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s tireless efforts to provide adequate health services to all in need. 

The programme began at its usual time of 5.15 pm with prayers and devotional hymns. Adarshjivan Swami, the biographer of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, described Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s unique work of combining physical health with inner spiritual wellness. He said, “The bamboo sculpture of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s hands joined in prayer at the festival ground reminds us that prayer was his bedrock in all situations in life. Waking up at 3am in London to pray for rains in India or hour-long prayers for the betterment of all was a regular aspect of his life. He firmly believed that God hears our prayers and so prayer should continue through good times and bad. Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s life was one of faith and love in which prayer was his tool to rid the world of suffering.”


BAPS singers accompanied by traditional instruments then sang the kirtan ‘Darad Mitaya Mera Dil Ka’ (‘God healed the pain of my heart’), reminding all of how Pramukh Swami Maharaj relieved the pain of millions. 

Anandswarupdas Swami, head of Swaminarayan Akshardham in Gandhinagar, said, “For Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Centenary Celebrations, many doctors have pledged to offer 100 free operations, 100 free examinations, and other types of medical services to humanity as inspired by Pramukh Swami Maharaj. We see that increasingly many physicians feel the need for spirituality in their own lives to maintain mental well-being. We saw that Pramukh Swami Maharaj was head-to-toe a spiritually enlightened being, and so he remained tension-free despite countless difficulties. When a person is spiritually sound, the vices of the mind do not harm him. Pride is the most dangerous vice of the mind and spirituality is its medicine. President APJ Abdul Kalam said that Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s state of spiritual equilibrium allowed him to remove the ‘I-ness’ and ‘my-ness’ from President Kalam’s own life. With the intention of making countless people spiritually sound, Pramukh Swami Maharaj has established satsang centres across the world.” 

Also read: Day 3 : Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar.

Doctor Swami, senior BAPS swami,  said, “God has given us this human body with the ultimate aim of attaining spiritual liberation. But to attain this, maintaining good health is a top priority. Hippocrates said ‘Let food be thy medicine,’ and Nishkulanand Swami said, ‘Food is our greatest medicine.’ To maintain health, we should avoid addictions, keep our diet vegetarian and stay spiritually grounded. Renowned doctors also assert that most diseases are psychosomatic – originating from mind. So, one must keep our mind pure and unpolluted. Carrying the burden of ill feelings about people negatively affects our mind and ultimately our physiology. Prayer is the best way to keep our mind at peace.”

If talking about Health and Spirituality Day  how can one forget about, Medical Services of BAPS Inspired by Pramukh Swami Maharaj and

Mahant Swami Maharaj :

Under Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s guidance, BAPS volunteers have led de-addiction campaigns across India and inspired 4 million people to be free from addiction. De-addiction prevents the wastage of tens of millions of rupees and protects physical, mental, socio-economic and spiritual health of individuals as well as their families. In addition to physical health, Pramukh Swami Maharaj has protected society’s moral and spiritual health. By building 1,231 temples, over 9,500 child and youth centres.

Currently, BAPS oversees many health initiatives, from hosting COVID-19 vaccination centres to mobile hospital vans. 

His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj has continued Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s work in the healthcare sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. These initiatives have: 

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