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Day 2 : Amit Shah inaugurates ‘International Convention' at Ahemedabad

<p>The &#8220;International Convention for better living&#8221; in indurated by the home minister of India, Amit Shah on15th of December in the Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar, in the presence of His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj and many leading industrialists of the country.As part of the convention, each evening there will be a themed assembly focusing on life, work and message of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj.Various presentations and performances planned by the women volenteers will be organized in Afternoon hours. Where on the other hand, I morning hours various academic conferences where national and international academics will gather to present their research on topics ranging from temple architecture and Hindu literature to women’s empowerment and Scheduled Caste upliftment. The evening assembly started with a unique symphony of 150 performers from 19 countries and 33 Indian instruments. Thereafter, the mahant of Gandhinagar Akshardham, Anandswarup Swami, said, “Pramukh Swami Maharaj </p>
01:25 PM Dec 16, 2022 IST | mediology
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The “International Convention for better living” in indurated by the home minister of India, Amit Shah on15th of December in the Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar, in the presence of His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj and many leading industrialists of the country.
As part of the convention, each evening there will be a themed assembly focusing on life, work and message of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj.Various presentations and performances planned by the women volenteers will be organized in Afternoon hours. Where on the other hand, I morning hours various academic conferences where national and international academics will gather to present their research on topics ranging from temple architecture and Hindu literature to women’s empowerment and Scheduled Caste upliftment. 
The evening assembly started with a unique symphony of 150 performers from 19 countries and 33 Indian instruments. Thereafter, the mahant of Gandhinagar Akshardham, Anandswarup Swami, said, “Pramukh Swami Maharaj wrote that Akshardham has been built for the betterment of people’s lives. All BAPS activities are for this purpose. Pramukh Swami Maharaj improved countless people’s lives by freeing them from the shackles of addictions, superstitions, vices and inner negativity, and inspiring them to control their impulses, focus on developing virtues, and reach the sublime heights of spirituality.”
Chairman of Torrent Group Sudhir Mehta said, “Pramukh Swami Maharaj was a divine soul, rightly known as a personification of saintliness. As one of the greatest spiritual leaders, his life was dedicated to the service of spirituality and humanity. He inspired countless cultural, social and spiritual initiatives of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha providing comfort and care to millions. Pramukh Swami Maharaj was truly a people’s guru. Through his innate humility, universal wisdom and striking simplicity, he transformed the lives of spiritual seekers, community leaders and global personalities. BAPS’s humanitarian services and grassroots efforts play a significant role in the upliftment of society.”
Director of Reliance Industries and Member of Parliament Parimal Nathwani said, “I consider this Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar to be a confluence of all the four holiest places of Hinduism. BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha not only builds mandirs, but shapes the lives of countless people.”
Convention presentations highlighted how Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s entire life was devoted to the upliftment of people. Under his leadership, BAPS hasbecome a global movement for human upliftment, by providing spiritual, social and cultural services for society through more than 160 humanitarian activities. From instilling moral values and de-addiction campaigns to environmental By creating more than 1,200 temples, establishing more than 5,000 satsang centres, building more than 100 hospitals and schools, and ordaining more than 1,100 swamis who dedicate their whole lives to serving others, Pramukh Swami Maharaj visiting 17,000 villages, and sanctifying the homes of more than 250,000 devotees, he has blessed the lives of millions.
The convention was attended by many dignitaries including the Chairman of the Adani Group Gautam Adani, Director of Reliance Industries and Member of Parliament Parimal Nathwani, Charmain of GMR Group G. M. Rao, Chairman and Director of Kalyan Jewellers T. S. Kalyanraman, Karsan Patel of Nirma Industries, Chairman of Zydus Cadila Pankaj Patel, Sudhir Mehta of Torrent Group, and many more.

Also read :  Day 1 : PM Modi Inaurated the ‘Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar’ in Ahmedabad.

After the grand and huge inauguration of Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centenary Celebrations and Nagar in the presence of His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj PM Modi and other dignitaries, the Nagar is abuzz with various national and international events taking place from 15th of December.
On Friday 16 December, thousands will gather to celebrate ‘Culture Day: Celebrating Indian Culture’. This will be a tribute to Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s work of sharing and honoring Indian culture and values worldwide. As a torchbearer of Indian culture and heritage worldwide, the celebration will provide an overview of his remarkable efforts through captivating and thought-provoking presentations and performances.
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