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Ram Bhakt Mauni Mata will finally break the 30-year-long Maun Vrat (Vow of Silence) on January 22

Saraswati Devi(Mauni Mata) who hails from Jharkhand has been keeping the vow to remaine silent for over 30 years and will finally end her Tapasya on January 22 when Ram Lala will be finally be consecrated in all his glory...
06:01 PM Jan 09, 2024 IST | Preeti Dalal
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Saraswati Devi(Mauni Mata) who hails from Jharkhand has been keeping the vow to remaine silent for over 30 years and will finally end her Tapasya on January 22 when Ram Lala will be finally be consecrated in all his glory in the newly constructed Ram Mandir.

Let us dwell in the story of Saraswati Devi:

When did it all started

In 1992 when Babri Masjid was demolished, Saraswati devi took the pledged to not speak until the Inaugration of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. Sarawati Devi hails from Dhanbad and has now left for Ayodhya to witness the Pran Pratistha Samaroh of the Ram Mandir.

Mauni mata spoke for only an hour/day

The Ram Bhakt is popularly known as Mauni Mata in Ayodhya. Her family members gave out the information that she usedd tospeak an hour eyeryday noon until  8PM and would keep quite for the rest of the day. The Ram Bhakt would communicate with family through sign language and through writing. She would write down things which were complicated to express using sign language.

Hari Ram Agarwal, son of Saraswati Devi told that "The day Babri Masjid was demolished on December 6, 1992, my mother took a vow to observe silence till the Ram Mandir was constructed in Ayodhya. She has been jubilant ever since the date of consecration of the temple was announced," 55-year-old Hare Ram Agarwal."

Mauni Mata has dedicated her whole life to Shri ram

Increased the difficulty level of the Tapasya

In 2020 when Prime Minister Modi layed the foundation stone of Ram Mandir, Saraswat devi took the vow to not speak even for an hour every day. SInce 2020, she has been completly silent for more than 3 years and will finally break her vow on January 22. Devi has been invited in the Ram Mandir Conscretion ceremony by the disciples of Mahant Nritya Gopal Das. "She left for Ayodhya on Monday night aboard Ganga-Sutlej Express from Dhanbad Railway Station. She will break her silence on January 22," said Hari.

Mauni Mata Life devoted to Shri Ram

Devi, a mother of eight, devoted her life to Lord Ram after her husband passed away in 1986. She spends most of her time on pilgrimages and currently lives with her second-eldest son, Nand Lal Agarwal, who works at Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) in Dhanbad.

Nand Lal's wife, Innu Agarwal (53), shared that shortly after her marriage, she witnessed her mother-in-law embracing a vow of silence as a dedication to Lord Ram. "We mostly understood her through sign language, and she would write down complicated sentences on paper," Innu Agarwal explained.

Following the demolition of Babri Masjid, Devi visited Ayodhya and committed to a vow of silence, known as 'maun vrat,' until the construction of the Ram Mandir. She remained silent for 23 hours a day, breaking her silence only for an hour at noon when she communicated with her family using pen and paper.

In 2020, when the foundation of the Ram Mandir was laid by PM Modi, Devi observed a 24-hour 'maun vrat' and pledged to speak only after the temple's inauguration. In 2001, she underwent a period of penance, known as 'tapasya,' for seven months at Chitrakoot in Madhya Pradesh, a place associated with Lord Ram's exile, according to Innu.

"Besides that, she went on pilgrimages across the country," Innu Agarwal added. Devi follows a disciplined routine, waking up at 4 am for 'sadhana' (meditation) lasting six to seven hours in the morning. In the evening, she studies religious books such as Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita after 'Sandhya Aarti.' Devi eats only once a day, maintaining a vegetarian diet with rice, pulses, and roti, along with a glass of milk in the morning and evening.

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Tags :
January 22 Ram LalaMauni MataPran Pratistha SamarohRam Mandir Concretion CeremonyRam Mandir Inauguration CeremonySaraswati Devi Mauni MataSaraswati Devi to break Maun Vrat