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SBI Recruitment 2023: SBI Inviting applications for clerk positions, with registration ends tomorrow
On December 7, 2023, State Bank of India will stop accepting applications for clerk positions. Applicants may apply for Junior Associate positions via, the SBI's official website. The organization will fill 8283 positions as a result of this recruitment...
06:42 PM Dec 06, 2023 IST
On December 7, 2023, State Bank of India will stop accepting applications for clerk positions. Applicants may apply for Junior Associate positions via, the SBI's official website.
The organization will fill 8283 positions as a result of this recruitment drive.
What is the eligibility requirement?
Applicants for the position must be graduates of an accredited university in any field, or possess an equivalent credential recognized by the central government.
What is the age limit ?
An applicant must be in the age range of 20-28 years old.
What is the application process?
To make an application, candidates are required to follow these steps:
1.Go to, the official SBI website.
2.Click on the careers mentioned on the home page
3.Then scroll down and click on the link of ‘Current Openings’
4.Click on the link of ‘SBI Clerk Recruitment 2023’
5.Fill all the details and complete an application form and submit it
6.Pay the application fees
7.Click on submit button and download for reference.
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