7 Greatest Rom-Coms That Will Inspire You to Travel

Always Be My Maybe (2019)

Famed chef Sasha reunites with childhood friend Marcus after years apart, sparking a clash of personalities and romance

When Harry Met Sally... (1989)

A chance meeting between two college grads leads to an unforgettable friendship and love story over the years

You've Got Mail (1998)

Two online lovers unknowingly discover they're fierce business rivals in this charming romance

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

Heartbroken Peter vacations in Hawaii but faces awkward encounters with his ex and her new boyfriend

The Holiday (2006)

Two women from different continents swap homes for Christmas, finding unexpected love and adventure

The Proposal (2009)

Margaret convinces her assistant Andrew to fake a marriage to avoid deportation, leading to unexpected romance

Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

A widower's son calls a radio show for a new partner for his dad, sparking a cross-country love story

Which of these rom-coms will you pack your bags for?

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