Top 10 Action Thrillers with the Highest IMDb Ratings to Watch on Prime Video

Pulp Fiction

(IMDb: 8.9)

Quentin Tarantino’s cult classic starring Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, and Uma Thurman in a web of interconnected crime stories

Fight Club

(IMDb: 8.8)

The iconic story of a white-collar worker who finds a way to channel his frustrations by starting an underground fight club

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

(IMDb: 8.8)

A Western classic where three men search for hidden treasure during the American Civil War


(IMDb: 8.4)

A gripping Tamil thriller where an ex-convict helps the police against a deadly drug cartel

Inglourious Basterds

(IMDb: 8.4)

A gripping war action thriller where two assassination plots against Nazis collide


(IMDb: 8.4)

Directed by Christopher Nolan, this film is about a man suffering from memory loss trying to track down his wife’s killer


(IMDb: 8.1)

Kamal Haasan shines in this Tamil action film, playing dual roles of a vigilante and a corrupt man

K.G.F: Chapter 1

(IMDb: 8.0)

The story of Rocky, who infiltrates the dangerous Kolar Gold Fields and rises to power

Jackie Brown

(IMDb: 7.5)

A crime thriller about a flight attendant caught between a smuggler and the law

The Crazies

(IMDb: 6.1)

A horror-action film about a military attempt to contain a deadly virus outbreak in a small town

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